HTML5/CSS3 Coding
Virtuous in using Html to develop Responsive webpages. Deep knowledge of Bootstrap framework. Productive in using css3 to develop eye-catchy attention seeking designs. Extensive experience with less/sass.
Born and brought-up in Pune, IN. Science caught my attention when I was ~10 years old. I'd do some petty DIY experiments with magnets & motors & stuff. It encouraged me to explore how things work. I also gained interest in computers when I started playing games like Road Rash/Counter Strike/AOM (Yeah, those were THE DAYS!) At the time, I wanted to be a game developer. The interest grew with time prompting me to take certain career choices. Today, I hold the position of an experienced senior developer & it's my experience that's helped me discover the power & pure awesomeness of Development. My fascination with coding led me to the development of a Music website (2017) where I portray the Founder. I adore Web development & have mastered a substantial number of programming languages & frameworks. I have a peculiar skillset that helps me to work, analyze & diagnose issues surging right from the network level to the application level. I play well when in a team but I also love to work autonomously. My goal is to give my best to achieve perfect efficiency in all of my endeavors. I also write technical blogs for Digital Fortress. Apart from this, I enjoy watching movies, listening to music (POTF), playing the Piano/Guitar
Age: Forever 21
Education: M.E (IT) System Integration & Project Management
Phone number: +33(0) 752972012
Hobbies: Playing Piano, Guitar, Listening to Music, Watching Movies, Computer Gaming, Soccer, Reading Medical/Technical Blogs
Languages: English(Bilingual), French(Intermediate), Marathi(Mother-tongue), Hindi(Bilingual), German(Elementary)
Development of the web version of the Radio Station France Culture. Developed Modules in Symfony/twig for rolling out a new front for Series and podcasts. Integration of Cruiser API. Put in place React SSR to render UI. Added git hooks, unit/functional/E2E tests. Currently working on beta RF based on Node/Sapper. Tech used: Docker, Gitlab CI, Kubernetes, JIRA, Svelte, Sapper, PWA, Service Workers, GraphQL, Kibana [**CDI with Intitek]
STB (Set-top box) UI Development for VOD section, Error Handling, Netflix integration, Middleware/SDK event handling. Awak IT Group: SPA development - Development of AngularJS Components, services, filters. Animations, Doctrine(CRUD), Asset management using Assetic, Mysql Stored Procedures. Tech used: Webpack, Eslint, JIRA, Git, less, Agile PM, Bower, Symfony 2.8, Twig, AngularJS 1.5,2, Grunt, Yeoman [**CDI with Oolink]
Development of an Internal Web Application to execute the calibration & synchronization of various healthcare products manufactured & used by GE. Also responsible for debugging, testing & documentation of the same. Development of a software tool to send automated SMS messages to GE Field Engineers. Tech used: LAMP stack (CENTOS), Networking, DB Modelling (MySQLWorkbench), SSH, Javascript, Jquery, html5, css3, SVN, Java, SQLServer.
Development of an Administrative Panel with Access Control to manage & populate Product data. Administrative panel is also used to load, view, create, and update Application data & also to customize the Front-End Web user Interface. Tech used: Php Code Igniter, Jquery, Apache, Postgresql, html5, css3, MVC, bootstrap, networking, DB Modelling. #Freelancer
Development of an Online Video Portal. Augmentation of Language Filters. Implementation of Search algorithms. Additional profiling & security features. Custom modifications of JS library / plugin. Social Media Integration. Tech used: LAMP Stack, Php Melody, JS, GIT, ajax, Smarty template engine, html5, bootstrap, SEO optimization. #Freelancer
UI/UX development, Hotel Reservation Script, Wordpress Websites & Blogs, E-commerce using Joomla. Software Design, rigorous testing & deployment, Production Support. Tech used: LAMP Stack, MVC, html5, css3, JS, Web Services, GIT, AngularJS, Jquery, Bootstrap, Firebug, Selenium, Developer tools [**company taken over by Halcyonminds Tech LLP]
Major in System Integration & Project Management. Course Focuses on System Architectures, Linux, Network Architecture, Databases, Testing and security, Data-mining & ETL Process, Project Risk Management, WBS, Reporting & Robotics. Top Projects: Android App utilising Webservices to display daily college time schedule. Java Web Application to convert & save uploaded ID / Passport images as text. (Grande Ecole) | FEMDP
Highly Intensive Post-Graduate course commencing from the lowest to the highest level of programming languages. Developed a basic Travel Website as the academic Project using LAMP stack. Course Includes : C, C++, Java, MVC Architecture, Databases & Schemas, Web Technologies (Php, Javascript, html5, css3, Ajax, XML) Introduction to powerful libraries like Jquery. Major Project: Tourist Management Web App.
Major in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. The 4-year course comprises of Instrumentation, Applied Mechanics, Physics, Electrical Systems with specialization in Image Processing, Data Structures, Power Electronics, Audio Video Engg, Digital Signal Processing. Major Projects: Navigation using GPS+camera kit for the blind. Traffic Signal Simulation using C. Banking Software using C++
Specialization in the Science Stream. My 2-year Jr. College targeted on the subjects of Science (like Physics, Chemistry, Math and Biology.) I was (still am) profoundly interested in Physics and Biology. The course also included intensive advanced higher level language training for English & elementary language training for German.
Kindergarten, primary & high school. (Maharashtra Board.) The most important 12 years of my life helping in the building of a strong foundation to my career & character.
Personal Karaoke Website developed solely for entertainment. Allows users to play their favorite songs while viewing lyrics as well. Technology used: Php - Symfony, Javascript - VueJs, Mysql, JWT authentication, jQuery, Ajax, Json, bootstrap, html, css3. *Beta version
Development of an Online Video Portal. Augmentation of several features like language filters, Search algorithms and Social Media Integration (Facebook + Twitter). Implementation of multiple JS plugins like moment.js, chosen.js, typeahead & so on. Technology used: LAMP stack, PHP melody, JS, Jquery, Database Modelling, html5, bootstrap, Smarty template engine, Ajax, Json, css3.
Development of an Administrator Panel with Access Control using MVC Architecture to manage & populate Product and User data & also to customize the Front End User Interface. Added JS & Server-side validations. Technology used: Php CodeIgniter, Postgresql, html5, GIT, JS, bootstrap, css3, Networking, DB Modelling.
Development of a Web Tool to carry out synchronization & calibration of various Healthcare products used by General Electric and its Associates. Added Validations, tested & debugged the tool and also performed plugin updates. Technology Used: LAMP stack (CENTOS), Networking, Python, JS, SSH, html5, css3, SVN.
Designed and developed UI & a Php script to permit operations like reservation/cancellation of rooms at hotels. Utilization of JS plugins for managing dates & date-formats. Administrator Panel to manage content like booking details, rooms categories, geographic locations and so on. Also developed the newsletter subscription module. Technology Used: LAMP Stack, JS, Ajax, bootstrap 2.3, html, css3.
Designed and developed the website in a team. Responsible for back-end development and also the development of the mobile version of the website. In addition, provided JS validations along with testing & debugging. Technology Used: LAMP stack, JS, Jquery, Js validation plugins, Ajax, Json, html & css3 for styling.
Development of the UI/ UX. Back-end Development using Php Wordpress framework. Integration of several JS plugins. SEO for better website visibility. Testing & debugging using developer tools. Technology Used: LAMP stack, Php Wordpress, Javascript, css3, html5, Jquery, plugins like fancybox, easing.
Designed and developed the administrator Panel for Gospel Music. Added functionality to perform CRUD operations on songs, users & also the site settings. Technology Used: LAMP stack, JS, Jquery, JS plugins like Datatables, validations, calender.js & so on. Ajax, Json, html, bootstrap, css3 used extensively.
Development of a Responsive Front end. Integration of Jquery and slider plugins. SEO for better marketing. Customized backend for adding coupons, updating price & other site settings. Provided JS & server-side validations. Technology Used: LAMP stack, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, Json Bootstrap, html, css3
Developed a Java Web Application that performs image optimization / enhancement to effectively extract the text from the uploaded images (ID cards) and then pushes the data onto the DB. Technology Used: Java, Vaadin Framework, Tesseract, ImageMagick, identity, JS, html, css3
Development of the official website (Front end as well as backend). Developed website to be dynamic and responsive with eye-catchy color-scheme to display the product - Handsfree Remote. Testing, Debugging & SEO marketing. Technology Used: LAMP stack, bootstrap framework, JS, Jquery, Ajax, Json, html, css3.
Website and Blog to portray the numerous unique recipes by author Anuradha Sawhney. Designed & Developed the website with Javascript as well as Server-side validations. Technology Used: LAMP Stack, Php Wordpress, JS, Jquery, plugins like pretty photo, sliders. Html & css3 styling.
Developed a web interface to manage the back-end of user-details posted by the user's of Android Application. Served as a web-service to retrieve phone contacts, etc upon authentication. Technology Used: Php, Mysql, Apache Server, JS plugins, Jquery, Ajax, Json, html, css3.
Design & Development of the official website. Integration & implementation of JS plugins. Development of the User Authentication & Registration modules. SEO for better visibility. Technology Used: Php, MySQL, Apache Webserver, Javascript, html, css3.
Development of an Android Application to show on-screen the daily schedule to the students. Reverse Engineering to determine how to pull data off the school's server. Enabled students to add reminders to their next classes. Technology Used: Android SDK, Java, Web-services, WireShark
Developed the company's official website. Designed the UI and Integrated diverse Js plugins like carousels. Provided javascript & server-side validations. Customized back-end to update content. Technology Used: Php 5.4, Mysql 5.5, JS, Apache server, html5, css3
Development of a Phone Directory web project using JSF to perform CRUD operations on it. Also developed the functionality to search the Phonebook. The same project was developed each time by using the following JSF's - Primefaces, Richfaces, RCFaces. Technology Used: Java, JSF, Primefaces, Richfaces, RCfaces, JS, html, css3
Designed & developed the landing page of this present website before it was launched. Added a count-down timer. Technology used: Php, Javascript, Jquery, JS plugins, Bootstrap 3.3, Html5, css3.
Virtuous in using Html to develop Responsive webpages. Deep knowledge of Bootstrap framework. Productive in using css3 to develop eye-catchy attention seeking designs. Extensive experience with less/sass.
Proficient in writing excellent code following the best coding practices. Dynamic testing & skillful debugging to ensure top-notch programming quality. Mastery of the latest Web technologies and frameworks.
Experience in writing Systematic, well-organized and clean code. Compulsory usage of indentation to ensure readability. Heavy usage of comments/documentation to promote a conducive development attitude.
Thorough support during the entire development life cycle starting with planning, coding, testing, integration, post-production & SEO support. Implement timely updates & impromptu debugging support.
I actively search for new opportunities to expand my expertise and also offer consulting services. If you'd like to work with me or need to outsource any development, feel free to contact me. To ensure a quick response, the bessst time to get in touch would be "Now" !